Developing First Program in C

1. Editor
2. Compiler
3. Run-time environment (OS).
Editor + Compiler are availble as IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Such as Turbo C/C++, Dev  C++,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
    printf("Welcome to C\n");

#include is a directive that calls the preprocessor to include the header file with our program. 

Header file:
                      Header file contains the declaration of the predefined function.
 <stdio.h>  --> standard input output header file.
This header file contain standard input/output related predefine function.

Ex: printf(), scanf(), putc(), puts(), gets(), getc().... etc.

<conio.h> -->   console input output header file.
This header file contains console screen related input/output related predefine.

Ex: clrscr(), clreol(), insline(), gotoxy(), getch(), getche(), cprintf(), cscanf().... etc. 

               main() is a function which is used to start the execution of our program. It is also called the entry point in our program.

          void is a return type that returns nothing.

           void main()
           { <-- starting of program
           } <--  end of the program

                clrscr() is a predefined function in conio.h header file it is used to clear the output screen.

                 printf() is a predefined function of stdio.h header file uses to print the content written inside the double quotation mark.

                It is a predefined function in conio.h header file uses to take a character from the user.  

         It is used to add a new line character.


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